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Masdaf, the leading brand in the pump industry; It is a member of Europump (Association of European Pump Manufacturers), which was established in 1960 and represents 450 pump manufacturers with a turnover of 10 billion Euros today, and is active in the efficiency of systems in the constantly developing pump industry, promotion and growth of the pump industry.


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Masdaf; Turkey Pump Industry manufacturer to bring together the knowledge and insight to prepare they will do media exchanges, training and conduct increasing activities of quality, creating opportunities for joint projects, voicing common problems in a variety of platforms, and endeavors to solve the problem, introducing the industry, increasing the competitiveness and was established in 1996 in order to take the necessary initiatives in international organizations and with the decision taken in 2005, it started to represent the manufacturers of centrifugal and displacement pumps and components together with the manufacturers of domestic and industrial valves and components and changed its name to "Turkish Pump and Valve Industrialists Association". He is a member of POMSAD.


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Masdaf, the leading brand in the fluid technologies sector is a member of the Turkish Construction Material Industrialists Association (Turkey IMSAD), which has been representing the construction material industry since 1984, effectively reaching more than 32000 points in its sector. IMSAD has 88 large companies, 59 associations, 5 universities and 1 union as a member.

IMSAD, which closely monitors the developments in the domestic market and target foreign markets to increase the export success of the construction material industry, established its Brussels representative office in 2011 and leads many projects funded by the European Commission. IMSAD, which has also been hosting the buildingSMART Turkey branch since 2018, is a member of the European Construction Technology Platform.
